АР15473403 “Methodological foundations for the formation of cartographic competence of future geography teachers”

Period of project implementation: 2022-2024

Project relevance: In pedagogical universities of Kazakhstan, there is a need to rely on the theory and methodology of domestic and foreign advanced pedagogy in solving problems related to the development of methodological foundations for the formation of cartographic competence of future geography teachers in the formation of a geographical culture of personality based on the updated content of education. The definition of effective ways to train geography teachers in the pedagogical field, the need to substantiate the interconnectedness of the graduate model and expected results in educational programs, the presence of a competitive specialist in the context of pedagogical and geographical sciences, the presentation of methodological ways determine the relevance of this study.

Project purpose: to study the pedagogical prerequisites for the formation of cartographic competence of future geography teachers using geographical and information technologies in pedagogical universities, to develop a structural and content model and to develop methodological foundations for using research results in the system of pedagogical higher education by conducting an experiment.

Project objectives:

To achieve the set goal of the project, the following tasks must be solved:

– Definition of theoretical, methodological, pedagogical and psychological foundations for the formation of cartographic competence of future geography teachers in the system of higher pedagogical education;

– Studying the possibilities of forming the cartographic competence of future geography teachers in the process of teaching geography to universities and developing a structural and meaningful model for the formation of cartographic competence of future geography teachers;

– Analysis of the ways of formation of cartographic competence in the content of physical, geographical and socio-economic education;

– The choice of effective ways to form the cartographic literacy of future geography teachers and the preparation of a system of tasks, the development of a methodology for the formation of cartographic competence of future geography teachers;

– Designing the content of cartographic training of future geography teachers in the system of geographical education, conducting a pedagogical experiment, processing and publishing its results.

Research group composition:

1) Beikitova Albina – senior lecturer, master of Geography, project manager,  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1757-2198    Scopus ID 59144032200

2) Kaimuldinova Kulyash – doctor of geographical sciences, professor, scientific consultant, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7352-5586    Scopus ID 55976304200

Expected results:

For 2022: in accordance with the topic of the study, data on research works by domestic, Russian and foreign scientists will be collected.

For 2023:

– In the process of teaching geography at the university, the possibilities of forming the cartographic competence of future geography teachers are being studied.

-based on scientific and pedagogical approaches, the structural and content model of the formation of cartographic competence of future geography teachers at a pedagogical university is structured in the form of a scheme.

For 2024:

– The university conducts a pedagogical experiment with students enrolled in the geography educational program, the results of which are published in the form of 2 articles in scientific publications with at least 35 (thirty-five) percentiles of CiteScore in the Scopus database. A monograph and a textbook are being published. A PhD thesis will be defended.

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