АР14972674 Improving the special training of future physics teachers based on teaching the course «Workshop for solving physical problems»

Period of project implementation: 2022-2024 y.y.

Project relevance: The course «Practical work on solving physical problems” occupies one of the leading places in the training of students-future teachers of physics, studying in the specialty “6B01505 – Physics” and defines the fundamental tasks, without which the training of specialists is impossible. At present, when the preparation of teachers for teaching the course practical training on solving physical problems in pedagogical universities is becoming important, one of the most important needs is to identify the possibilities of implementing the learning process through effective methods and techniques.

Project purpose: improve the special training of future teachers of physics by developing the content of the course “Workshop on solving physical problems” in accordance with the expected results of secondary education and the requirements of the professional and subject competencies of teachers.

Project objectives:

  1. Conducting a theoretical analysis of educational achievements in the training of future teachers of physics in pedagogical universities for the national qualification testing of teachers in universities of Kazakhstan.
  2. Determination of the structure and content features of the course “Workshop on solving physical problems” with the definition of the expected result of secondary education.
  3. Develop a methodology for preparing for training “Workshop on solving physical problems” in accordance with the expected result of secondary education for future teachers.

Research group composition:

1) Оspanbekov Yerbol AnarbekovichPhD, project Manager, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6143-7589, Scopus ID 56541751500

2) Alimbekova Gulshakan Bershinbekovna  – professor Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, scientific consultant, ORCID 0000-0002-0056-9251, Scopus ID 57189067641

Results // Expected results (depends on the project implementation period)

  1. Физикалық есептер шығару практикумының мазмұндық ерекшеліктері / «Reports of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – № 4(348). – Almaty, 2023. ­– P.80-92. https://doi.org/10.32014/2023.2518-1483.244
  2. Peer Instruction’s Achilles’ Heel: An Analysis of Its Ineffectiveness in Confronting Counterintuitive Physics Questions/ EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2024. – Р. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/14778


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