АР22686317 “Advancing Graduate Education: The Stackable Degree Model for Integrating Formal and Non-Formal Education”

Period of project implementation: 2024 – 2026 years

Project relevance: Development of personal and professional potential of creative, enterprising undergraduates as a result of implementation of stackable degree programs through formal and informal education.

Project purpose: The objectives of this research: are to develop, theoretically substantiate, and experimentally verify the «Stackable degree» model within the context of a master’s degree

Project objectives:

The goal that we set for the project is achieved through the following interrelated tasks.

  1. To study the world experience of increasing the degrees of undergraduates (Stackable degree) and, as a result, to analyze the real methodological situation of creating opportunities for mastering additional specialties during formal and informal education in higher pedagogical educational institutions.
  2. Development of a comprehensive modular Stackable degree program for the development of microqualifications by undergraduates of higher pedagogical educational institutions.
  3. At the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, to prepare and put into practice elective author’s courses on the Stackable degree program: «game teacher», «teacher mediator», «andragog teacher», etc., by integrating formal and non-formal education.
  4. Creation of formal and informal collaborative learning environments at KazNPU named after Abai
  5. Development and publication of a monograph on the research problem.
  6. To organize and hold an international scientific and practical conference on the topic: «The values of formal and non-formal education: problems and prospects for development».
  7. Certificates of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright will be received for elective course programs, a monograph and a scientific and methodological manual.

Research group composition:

  1. Sovetkanova Damira Phd, Project Investigator, Scopus Author ID 57205149114 ORCID: 0000-0003-2737-4021
  2. Turgunbaeva Botagul – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, scientific consultant, Scopus Author ID: 57189846350; ORCID: 0000-0001-5168-0083 Web of Science ResearcherID: AAR-1901-2020.
  3. Results // Expected results (depends on the project implementation period)

When solving the tasks of the project, the following results will be obtained:

In the course of the study:

  1. The world experience of increasing the degrees of undergraduates (Stackable degree) will be studied, the real state of integration of formal and non-formal education in higher pedagogical educational institutions will be analyzed, on the basis of which articles will be prepared and published in publications recommended by the The Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity;
  2. Elective author’s courses will be developed and implemented under the Stackable degree program for obtaining microspecialties by integrating formal and non-formal education into the practice of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, articles will be published in scientific publications with at least 35 (thirty-five) percentiles of CiteScore in Scopus or Web of Science databases.
  3. To KazNPU named after According to the Stackable degree program, elective author’s courses will be prepared for undergraduates to receive micro-exams by integrating formal and non-formal education: «game teacher», «teacher – mediator», «andragog – teacher», etc., a scientific and methodological manual on their application in practice has been prepared and published.
  4. A monograph will be prepared and published on the research problem.
  5. Certificates of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright will be received for elective courses, a monograph and a scientific and methodological manual.
  6. An international scientific and practical conference will be organized and held on the topic: «Values of formal and non-formal education: problems and prospects of development», a collection of materials will be published.


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