AP14972849 “Development of the social security system of Kazakhstan based on the implementation of international acts on social protection”

Period of project implementation: 2022-2024

Project relevance: The absence of a conceptual systemic approach to the formation of legislation on social security entails its low efficiency and unpredictable social consequences, and sometimes a violation of citizens’ rights to social security. An assessment of the dynamics of changes in the content of the social protection system allows us to state a number of facts indicating the lack of integrity in the development of social security legislation, the exclusion of social risks, their substitution and a decline in the level of social security. The existence of such a wide range of problems determined scientific interest and prompted the project implementers to study the Kazakhstani social security system based on international standards.

Project purpose: The purpose of the project is to substantiate recommendations aimed at improving the social security system of Kazakhstan, based on a comprehensive analysis of international standards and national legislation, and to form proposals on the possibilities of implementing universal norms.

Project objectives:

1 To assess the state of legislation of Kazakhstan on social security, to identify trends in its development.

2 To investigate and summarize international standards of the human right to social security.

3 Based on the analysis of international standards and national legislation, to propose the possibilities of implementing universal norms.

4 To argue the possibilities and methods of improving the quality of legal provision of social guarantees, as well as to predict the results of the proposed measures.

5 To form legislative recommendations, proposals for the modernization of the legal regulation of the social security system

Research group composition:

1) Supervisor: Kuttygalieva, Anarkhan Raimovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Hirsch Index-2, ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2631-6372, Scopus Author ID: 56682127300, Researcher ID Web of Science: CAG-1201-2022

2) Scientific consultant: Khamzina Zhanna Amangeldinovna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Hirsch Index-18, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0913-2002, Scopus Author ID 56682131400, Researcher ID Web of Science: K-4228-2019

Results // Expected results:

Publication of at least 2 (two) articles in scientific journals indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index or Social Sciences Citation Index of the Web of Science database or with a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35.

Preparation of analytical material for interested organizations and bodies, scientifically substantiating the possibilities and demand for the implementation of international social security standards in Kazakhstan.




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