AP15473346 “Study of the problems of legal regulation of education, the system of protection of children’s rights in Kazakhstan”

Period of project implementation: 2022-2024

Project relevance: The definition of the project idea was driven by three aspects:

– the social and legal significance of the study problem, the solution of which contributes to strengthening constitutional and international guarantees for the protection of children’s rights, and the development of legal regulation of educational process;

– the legal aspect, that is, the existing shortcomings of the legal regulation of the system of guarantees of children’s rights: to education and recreation, to dignity and security of person, to freedom of speech and expression of one’s opinion, to development of one’s public activity, to receive and disseminate information the standard of living and conditions necessary for full-fledged physical, mental, moral and spiritual development;

– insufficient theoretical development of fundamental social scientific knowledge on the creation of a systematic step-by-step legal development of the education sector and institutions that protect the rights of children.

Project purpose: A comprehensive interdisciplinary study of the problems of legal regulation of education, the system of protection of children’s rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Project objectives:

– study of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education and institutions for the protection of children’s rights for gaps, conflicts and other shortcomings of legal norms, as well as the search for ways to resolve them;

– research and analysis of international norms and standards in the field of legal regulation of the education system and protection of children’s rights, including issues of the readiness of the Republic of Kazakhstan to ratify the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, concerning the communications procedure;

– development of specific proposals for improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education and institutions for the protection of children’s rights;

– preparation of amendments and additions to the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (comparative table) to eliminate and overcome existing gaps, conflicts and other shortcomings of legal norms.

Research group composition:

1) Supervisor: Rakhimova Gakku Nurlanovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Hirsch Index-1, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3812-7459, Scopus Author ID 57211690037

2) Scientific consultant: Khamzina Zhanna Amangeldinovna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Hirsch Index-18, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0913-2002, Scopus Author ID 56682131400, Researcher ID Web of Science: K-4228-2019

Results // Expected results:

– an analytical report on the study of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education and institutions for the protection of children’s rights for gaps, conflicts and other imperfections in legal norms;

– analytical report on compliance with international norms and standards in the field of legal development of education and protection of children’s rights;

– specific proposals for improving the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the systemic legal development of education and the system for protecting the rights of children;

– legislative amendments (comparative table), which can be used in legislative work in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts to improve the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education and protection of children’s rights.

– at least 2 (two) articles in a scientific journal in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index or Social Sciences Citation Index of the Web of Science database or having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35.

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