AP22685804 « Integration potential of a digital platform for the study of poetry »

Period of project implementation: 2024-2026 yy.

Project relevance: At a time of increasing digitalization and technological innovation in our society, education is undergoing profound and significant change. The integration of digital content into education is becoming an increasingly important tool that is changing the way we teach and learn. Modern technologies can overcome geographical and cultural barriers and offer unique opportunities for accessing education, expanding knowledge and developing skills. Currently, there is an insufficient number of literature portals and websites on the Internet in Kazakhstan. There is also a need to create a platform for literature teachers to use digital content in the classroom. Thus, there is an urgent need to study and discuss the development and influence of digital content on educational processes and its practical application in literature teaching.

Project purpose: develop a multifunctional portal for the study and popularization of Kazakh poetry among young people and the creation of content for digital poetry.

Project objectives: to study of theoretical material on the digitalization of literary texts: to create digital information content about the representatives of Kazakh and Russian-language poetry of Kazakhstan and the transfer of poetic texts from the anthology to the portal; to study the process of developing a poetic text in the format of digital poetry and its distribution; to develop the portal “Poetry.kz” (working name); to translate and publish of basic information/bibliography/works into English; dissemination of the portal among students, teachers and readers interested in the poetry of Kazakhstan.

Research group composition:

1)Moldagali Madina – postdoc, Project leader, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8494-1497, Scopus ID 58506745600;

2) Abisheva Saule – Doctor of Philology Science, professor, Scientific advisor, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4497-0805, Scopus ID 55801544900


  1. Integrated digital portal.
  2. 2 (two) articles in a scientific publication that is indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index or in the Social Sciences Citation Index of the Web of Science database, or that has a CiteScore of at least 35 in the Scopus database.
  3. Electronic guide for the creation of a digital portal for basic education.



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