The relevance of the project:
The main goal in the education system is to educate an educated person who implements the path of achieving world civilization, determining the quality of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This means the formation of an intellectual generation with a broad outlook, loving the Motherland, talented, businesslike, hardworking, educated and competent, owning the national heritage; owning the vocabulary of their native language; knowing the spiritual values common to humanity; honoring their nation and language, honoring their land and country; loving the motherland. This issue requires a new consideration of the methodology and methodology of mastering the state language, new technologies, teaching methods.
One of such topical areas within the framework of the new humanities education is the problem of level-level teaching of the Kazakh language in a foreign language audience. Level-based teaching of the Kazakh language is the development of oral /written speech skills, reading, writing, communication from a communicative and cognitive point of view from simple to complex based on level paradigms with the definition of the student’s speech abilities in accordance with the requests of each and the level of language proficiency.
The purpose of the project: Despite the fact that the new system of humanitarian education of the country as a whole considers the rules and standard indicators of level-based teaching of the Kazakh language, the purpose of this project is to develop and study the content of education, frequency vocabulary, minimums and approaches to teaching methodological – level paradigms concerning reading and writing actions.
Expected results | Achieved results |
Within the framework of the new humanitarian knowledge, a level-based paradigmatic methodology of reading and writing is determined. The mastery of the actions of reading and subscribing is determined in accordance with the level paradigm based on the international standard. 1 round table will be held on the topic “Approaches to the implementation of reader and subscription actions within the framework of a new humanitarian education”. A system of assimilation of the reader’s, subscription processes is provided in accordance with the principles of monological, dialogical, polylogical specifics of the word. | Within the framework of the new humanitarian knowledge, the level-based paradigmatic methodology of reading and signature actions is defined, the mastery of reading and written actions is determined in accordance with the level-based paradigm based on the international standard.24 ноября In 2022, a round table was organized with the participation of undergraduates and doctoral students “Approaches to the implementation of reader and subscription actions within the framework of a new humanitarian education”. The system of assimilation of the reader’s, written processes in accordance with the principles of monological, dialogical, polylogical specifics of the word is considered, the methodology of level mastery of the Kazakh language is systematized. The principles of communication implementation through monologue, dialogue, polylogue are defined. The level-based paradigmatic studies of read and subscribe operations were analyzed. The paradigm of level-based learning of speech actions is analyzed. |
Communication skills, educational skills based on the relationship of lexical topics and grammar in connection with functional literacy will be investigated. The republican conference “New Humanitarian education: level-based teaching of reading and writing” is being held.
| Communication skills, educational skills based on the relationship of lexical topics and grammar in connection with functional literacy are studied. Lexical topics are defined and the lexical minimum of each level is developed. Lexical topics are systematized taking into account communication skills. On May 31, 2023, the republican conference “New Humanitarian education: level-based teaching of reading and writing” was held, the conference materials are published in the collection (Республиканская научно-практическая конференция «Новое гуманитарное образование: уровневое обучение чтению и письму» – Казахский Национальный педагогический университет имени Абая ( |
A business trip is planned. | Business trips completed: 1. From October 14 to October 16, 2022, one of the project participants organized a business trip to Ust-Kamenogorsk. Candidate of Ph.D., senior lecturer Kokanova Zh. A. made a presentation at the seminar “The place of language and literature in the framework of a new humanitarian education”. 2. On February 24, 2023, the project participants organized a business trip to Astana. A scientific and practical seminar on “Oriented language education: Integration” was organized at Nazarbayev University. Innovation. Technologies”. The project performers Ph.D., senior lecturer Kokanova Zh.A. and PhD, senior lecturer Imankulova M. A. took part (certificates are available). |
The research has been published in the following articles:
- Оразбаева Ф.Ш. ҚР Үздіксіз білім беру жүйесінде қазақ тілін деңгейлік оқытудың дәстүр мен инновация тоғысындағы басты бағдарлары// «Жаңа гуманитарлық білім: оқылым мен жазылымды деңгейлік оқыту» атты республикалық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. Алматы, 2023 ж. 5-10 бб.
- Ж.А. Қоқанова. Оқылым мен жазылым процестерінде диалогтың алатын орны// «Жаңа гуманитарлық білім: оқылым мен жазылымды деңгейлік оқыту» атты республикалық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. Алматы, 2023 ж. 25-31 бб.
- Иманқұлова М.А. Жазылымның түрлерін полилогпен байланысты оқыту// «Жаңа гуманитарлық білім: оқылым мен жазылымды деңгейлік оқыту» атты республикалық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. Алматы, 2023 ж. 31-35 бб.
- Мазибаева Ж.О. Оқылым түрлерін монолог арқылы деңгейлік меңгерту әдісі// «Жаңа гуманитарлық білім: оқылым мен жазылымды деңгейлік оқыту» атты республикалық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. Алматы, 2023 ж. 36-41 бб.
- А.Б. Қырықбаев, А.Б. Тоқмырзаева. Мектептегі тіл дамыту жұмыстарының ғылыми-теориялық мәселелері// «Жаңа гуманитарлық білім: оқылым мен жазылымды деңгейлік оқыту» атты республикалық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. Алматы, 2023 ж. 54-60 бб.
- Иманқұлова М.А. Қ.Жұбанов еңбектеріндегі жаңашыл технологиялар// DARA QAZAQ. Республикалық ғылыми-әдістемелік, ақпараттық танымдық педагогикалық журнал «Педагогика мен пихология: өзекті мәселелер» атты ҮІ республикалық ғылыми-тәжірбиелік конференциясының материалдар жинағы. – Алматы, 2022. – 50-53 бб.
1 article published in the collection of the international conference:
- Оразбаева Ф.Ш., Утегулова З. Тілдік коммуникация парадигмалары – интеграциялық жүйе// XVII GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2022: Central Asia. September. 55-58 бб
2 articles have been published in the journal from the RSCI database:
- Оразбаева Ф.Ш., Коканова Ж.А., Иманкулова М.А. Формирование коммуникативной компетенции при диалоговом изучении казахского языка// «Обществознание и Социальная психология». Москва, С.1787-1794. №6-1. (50)2023.
- Koканова Ж.А. Методы и приемы формирования навыков чтения// Научный аспект. РИНЦ. №5.2022. – Самара. Изд-во ООО “Аспект”. Педогогика. С.41-45.
Published 1 article in the journal recommended by the Control Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- Оразбаева Ф.Ш., Даулетбекова Ж.Т., Коканова Ж.А., Иманқұлова М.А. Қазақ тілін деңгейлік оқыту: оқылым мен жазылым ұстанымдары, әдістері. Абайатындағы ҚазҰПУ, Педагогика және психология Хабаршысы. №2.
The composition of the research group:
- 1. PhD, Professor, corresponding member. NAS RK Orazbayeva F.Sh.
- 2. Ph.D., senior lecturer Kokanova Zh.A.
- 3. PhD, senior lecturer Imankulova M.A.
- 4. Master Mazibaeva Zh.O.
- 5. PhD, senior lecturer Bogenbaeva A.