IRN AR14870178 “Language content of Kazakh society: changes and updates (pandemic period; 2020-2022))”

The relevance of the project: The pandemic period, which began in 2019, has become a significant change in Kazakh society both socially and morally, linguistically, psychologically and in terms of education. It is important to study both the beneficial and harmful sides of the change and correct, correctly develop those moments that negatively affect the development of Kazakh society. It is obvious that there has been progress in education during the pandemic. Kazakh society has been adapted to mass distance learning, but language communication has become more saturated, careless words and labels, slang began to appear in the youth language. Language communication on the screen violated verbal ethics. The most dangerous thing is that even in the post-pandemic period there is a tendency to reverse development.  Therefore, this historical period requires special study.

Project objective: development of a neological language base by studying Kazakh language content for 2020-2022

Expected results:

Block 1. Linguistic research.Quickly penetrating word-formation usages are revealed. The psychological climate of the Kazakh society is determined in interviews, news and talk show programs, its linguistic picture, stylistic changes in the television and radio language. Identify the main themes of the pandemic and investigate its causes.

Block 2. Methodical research. Through the study of videos of online classes, videos of online conferences, changes and innovations in the speech of the Kazakh society are analyzed. In terms of distance learning, a system and types of new technologies are proposed.

Block 3. Lexicographic research. New uses in the periodical media of 2020-2022 will be collected. Language units that are put into use by studying the frequency of new translations and alternative names are formalized in the dictionary. The Kazakh-Russian-English dictionary of neologisms has been compiled.

Block 4. Pragmatic research. In order to determine the degree of preservation or non-observance of values in the family during quarantine in 2020-2022, a questionnaire is conducted. Psychological, linguistic, and social changes in family communication are analyzed, and the selected word-formation structures in the language of electronic media are studied.

The composition of the project researchers:

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