IRN AP14872058 “Introducing future primary education teachers to national values through the creation of a mobile educational environment”.


The relevance of the project. In the modern world, special importance is attached to upbringing and education, which is given on the basis of national values to introduce young people to virtue, instilling a civic feeling for their nation, for their native land. Therefore, the main idea of the project is to educate young people who have absorbed some of the negative trends of modern globalization, preserved their national identity, absorbed the best qualities of their ancestors.

Today there is a tendency for the younger generation to risk deviating from their ideology. Therefore, the education of young people in the spirit of national and universal cultural values becomes relevant. In this regard, the project defines the theoretical and methodological foundations for introducing future primary education teachers to national values by creating a mobile educational environment.

The purpose of the project is a theoretical and practical justification of the transformation of centralized training of a future teacher to a student in a digital environment, its organizational and methodological support, diagnostics and testing of effectiveness.

Expected results Achieved results
The theoretical and methodological foundations of the introduction of national values into the content of university education are analyzed.  
The pedagogical and psychological aspects of introducing future primary education teachers to national values through a mobile educational environment are determined.  
To get acquainted with the world and domestic experience, to analyze their experience.  
A survey of students is being conducted. The results of the survey are published as an article in a domestic journal recommended by the CCSON.  

Composition of the research group:
Zhumabayeva Asia Eleupanovna – scientific supervisor of the project, head of the Department of Vocational training in primary education programs of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. The Hirsch index is Scopus 5 5, Author ID in Scopus: 57217848970.
Stambekova Assel Serkebayevna – Chief Researcher, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, “Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai”, Association of the Department of Vocational Training in primary Education A. Hirsch index Scopus-2, Author ID in Scopus: 57214246629.
Bazarbekova Rabiga Zholshievna – leading researcher, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, “Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University”, senior lecturer of the Department of vocational training in primary education programs. The Scopus Hirsch Index is 0.
Nurzhanova Sazhila Abdisadykovna – leading researcher, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, “Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University”, Association of the Department of Vocational Training in primary Education A. Hirsch index Scopus-2, Author ID in Scopus: 57204480309.
Zhumabayeva Zhazira Amanzholovna – Senior researcher, PhD, “Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University”, senior lecturer of the Department of Vocational Training in primary education programs. The Hirsch index of Scopus is 1, Author ID in Scopus: 57208619313.
Ernar Ospankulov – Senior Researcher, PhD, “Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University”, senior lecturer of the Department of Initial Military Training. The Scopus Hirsch Index is 0.














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