The relevance of the project. In the modern world, special importance is attached to upbringing and education, which is given on the basis of national values to introduce young people to virtue, instilling a civic feeling for their nation, for their native land. Therefore, the …
IRN АР08857119 “Transformation of student-centered training of future teachers in a digital environment»
Relevance – Professional training of a future teacher based on transformed student-centered learning in a digital environment will contribute to the scientific, methodological and organizational validity of personalized learning. Student-centered learning in the higher education system is an important, integral element that has a positive …
IRN AP14972818 “Development of methods for constructing fundamental solutions of non-classical equations of high-order mathematical physics”.
The relevance of the project. The progress of modern science has shown that non-classical equations are a good model of real physical, chemical and biological processes, and this has determined the relevance of this project. Until recently, boundary value problems for second-order differential equations were …
IRN AP13067661″Internet literature of Kazakhstan: the main artistic trends”.
The relevance of the project is due to the fact that Internet literature has not been studied by domestic literary studies. Internet literature, focused on specific genres, certain online works. There is a shortage of major academic works devoted to the problem of Internet literature …
IRN AP09259109 “Analysis of the prospects, possibilities of modernization of the judicial form of protection of social and labor rights in Kazakhstan”.
Relevance of the topic. The idea of the project is to develop proposals and recommendations for improving the existing model of judicial protection of the social and labor rights of individuals. New approaches will be developed to address current issues of law enforcement, interpretation, and …
IRN AR13268897 “Modern Kazakh literary fairy tale: archetypal images and plots”.
The relevance of the topic. lies in the fact that Kazakh modern literature, as literature, mainly oriental, remains largely committed to traditional values and concepts, without losing touch with national folklore and mythology. The literary fairy tale becomes the most adequate artistic form for the symbiosis …
IRN AP13268830 “Academic fraud of subjects of postgraduate education (on the example of national universities)”.
Relevance of the project: Modernization of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan in recent years requires a person’s readiness for effective and productive work in various types of activities. Free access to information resources, self-study and research activities become a priority. Implementation of the most …
IRN АР13268734 “Semantics and etymology of archaisms in the language of Abai and Shakarim (based on the comparative historical method)”. Project grant funding of young scientists under the “Zhas Galym” project for 2022-2024 (postdoctoral studies).

Relevance of the project: there are a sufficient number of words, archaisms in phraseological units, proverbs and paired words in the Kazakh language, as well as in dialects, samples of oral literature and literary and artistic works, as well as in the works of poets …
IRN AP13067931 “Development of methodological foundations for the use of digital geoinformation technologies in teaching geography of updated content (on the example of senior classes)”.
Relevance: In the country, in accordance with the updated content of education, the issues of teaching digital geoinformation technologies and their methods in the content of geography textbooks for schools, are widely considered. However, the methodology for their practical application has not yet been developed. …
IRN AP09259248 «Arising of concentration gravitational convection in multicomponent diffusion in stably stratified medium».
Relevace of the project: The relevance of proposed project is high. Modern technologies for production of materials, extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials, forecasting of natural phenomena require adequate description of heat and mass transfer processes in liquids and gases, which, as a rule, are mixtures …