IRN АР08857119 “Transformation of student-centered training of future teachers in a digital environment»

Relevance – Professional training of a future teacher based on transformed student-centered learning in a digital environment will contribute to the scientific, methodological and organizational validity of personalized learning. Student-centered learning in the higher education system is an important, integral element that has a positive impact on the professional training of the future teacher of digital Kazakhstan.

The proposed project is aimed at solving the socio-pedagogical task of improving the professional training of future teachers on the basis of student-centered learning in a digital environment, which in turn will strengthen its personalized component and improve the quality of professional training of future teachers and, as a result, will contribute to improving the socio-economic development of the state.

The purpose of the project is a theoretical and practical justification of the transformation of student-centered teaching of a future teacher in a digital environment, its organizational and methodological support, diagnostics of effectiveness and testing.

Ожидаемые результаты:

Expected results Achieved results
Creation of Regulations on the organization and regulation of methodological support, personalized training of students in a digital environment “ A “Regulation on the organization and regulation of methodological support for personalized student learning in a digital environment” has been developed.

The purpose of the digital platform “IS student-centered learning”:

1. systematization of innovation activity of the university digital environment;

2. development, testing and implementation of personalized educational programs that provide:

– the use of methods and methods of teaching that meet the characteristics of different types of students;

– creation of conditions for the development of teaching staff of appropriate approaches in the framework of personalization of educational programs for the training of future teachers;

3. organization and regulation of the educational strategy of the university, which allows teaching staff and students to participate in digital educational activities and demonstrate meaningful results.
The regulation has been developed and approved.

1. Abdigapbarova U.M., Zhienbayeva N.B., Isabayeva D.N., Sydikova Z.K. “Regulations on the organization and regulation of methodological support, personalized training of students in a digital environment.” Almaty: KazNPU named after Abai, 2022. – 23 p.

Approbation of the developed Innovative program in the process of preparing a future teacher at KazNPU named after Abai The innovative educational program “Transformation of student-centered learning of a future teacher in a digital environment” is aimed at

to improve the system of professional training of bachelors, masters of pedagogical sciences. The fundamental goal of the program is to develop the digital space of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology to provide student-centered learning with different needs and opportunities.

The experimental base for testing the developed Innovative program is the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology at Abai KazNPU. Software of the developed program: Adobe Flash Player; ABBYY Fine Reader; Adobe Photoshop; Macromedia Dreamweaver.

The main results obtained in the process of testing the Innovation program:

– the dynamics of the growth of students’ responsibility for their own learning, contributing to the development of their adaptability and resilience; setting their own learning goals, choosing effective strategies to achieve these goals.

The approbation of an innovative program for the introduction of student-centered learning in the context of the integration of digital technologies into the process of professional training of a future teacher was carried out using a set of empirical methods (questionnaires, testing); mathematical statistics for processing and evaluating the results obtained during the approbation, which are reflected in the following articles:

1. “Studentterge bagyttalgan okytuda tsifrlyk platformany paidalan zholdary”. Abdigapbarova U.M., Zhienbayeva N.B., Isabayeva D.N., Bekmuratova S.U. Tagylym republikalyk gylym-adistemelik journal.  No.05 (100) Mamyr 2022 w. 7-15 p.

2. Implementation of the innovative program “transformation of student-centered learning of a future teacher in a digital environment”. Abdigapbarova U. M., Zhienbayeva N. B., Isabayeva D. N. Materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference Berlin, Germany May 22-24, 2022. 295-303str.

Состав исследовательской группы:

Ф.И.О. Позиция Ученая степень
1 Abdigapbarova Ulzharkyn Muslimovna Scientific director of the project. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.


2 Zhienbayeva Nadezhda Bisenovna

Chief Scientific Officer

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor. 84896277985&origin=AuthorNamesList&txGid=


3 Isabayeva Daraja Nagashybayevna  Leading Researcher Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
4 Baysultanova Saya Charipkanovna Senior Researcher. Doctor of PhD
5 Sidykova Zarina Kambarbekova Senior Researcher. master
6 Seitova Akbota Lespekovna   Junior research assistant master

List of publications for 2022.

  1. «Студенттерге бағытталған оқытуда цифрлық платформаны пайдалану жолдары». Әбдіғапбарова Ұ.М., Жиенбаева Н.Б., Исабаева Д.Н., Бекмуратова С.У. Тағылым республикалық ғылыми-әдістемелік журнал. №05 (100) Мамыр 2022 ж. 7-15 стр.
  2. Реализация инновационной программы «трансформация студентоцентрированного обучения будущего учителя в условиях цифровой среды». Абдигапбарова У. М., Жиенбаева Н. Б., Исабаева Д. Н. Proceedings of XII International Scientific and Practical Conference Berlin, Germany 22-24 May 2022. 295-303стр.
  3. Практикум «Профессиональная рефлексия в организации студентоцентрированного обучения». Учебно-методическое пособие. Жиенбаева Н.Б., Абдигапбарова У.М., Исабаева Д.Н. – Алматы: КазНПУ имени Абая, 2022. – 90стр.
  4. Абдигапбарова У.М., Жиенбаева Н.Б., Исабаева Д.Н., Сыдикова З.К. «Положения об организации и регулировании методического обеспечения, персонализированного обучения студентов в условиях цифровой среды». Алматы: КазНПУ имени Абая, 2022. – 23 стр.

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