IRN AP15473110 “Ethnoecological traditions of the Kazakhs: historical experience of adaptation in the steppe regions of Kazakhstan”

The goal of the project is to study the ethno-ecological traditions of the Kazakh people and the historical experience of adaptation to the steppe space of Kazakhstan.


  1. Review and analysis of scientific literature on the project topic
  2. Archival research on the project topic: work with the archival funds of the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Historical Archive of the Omsk Region (Omsk, Russian Federation), the Russian State Historical Archive (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
  3. Conducting qualitative research in order to identify the value foundations of the ethno-ecological practices of the Kazakh people for modern society.
  4. Approbation and implementation of scientific research results.


In the modern world, states and peoples face acute problems of environmental safety, climate change and adaptation to their consequences. In this context, the study and analysis of centuries-old historical experience of adaptation and traditional knowledge of respect for the environment are relevant for society.

Expected results

-Publication of two articles in a scientific publication indexed in the Web of Science or in the Scopus database of at least 35.

-Publication of two articles in domestic publications recommended by KOKSON;

-Obtaining a certificate of inclusion in the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright at the Kazakhstan Patent Bureau – 1


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