IRN AP19680449 “Translation Quality Assessment: Scientific and Educational Spheres”

Relevance. The expected scientific effect is to clarify the conceptual apparatus of translation studies, to obtain new research material for the general theory, methodology and criticism of translation, special theory of scientific translation on the material of Kazakh, Russian and English languages. Thus, the obtained results will influence the development of translation studies, as well as related fields: linguodidactics, linguocultural studies, linguopragmatics, lexicography, sociolinguistics. The socio-economic effect consists in obtaining a ready-made algorithm of TQA, which can be implemented in the educational process of training and retraining of translators of scientific style of speech not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the countries of the Eurasian space with a similar language situation. This result can be commercialized in the form of training services, master classes for translation teachers and practicing translators. The results obtained in the framework of the project will give a new impetus to scientific research on translation studies in the Kazakh language; will serve as a practical guide for direct translation of texts of scientific style of speech into Kazakh.

The target consumers of the obtained results are practicing translators, researchers, university professors, students, master and doctoral students.

The aim of the project: to develop a systematic approach to assessing the quality of translation in science and education sphere on the basis measurable criteria.

Expected results Achieved results
The main result of the research is the development of a systematic approach to assessing the quality of translation in the scientific and educational sphere on the basis of measurable criteria and objective methods of parameterization of this assessment.  The realization of this project result will be presented in the following forms:

1) at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication indexed in the Social Science Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index and (or) Russian Science Citation Index of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five);

2) at least 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications recommended by the Committee

3) 1 (one) monograph

4) 1 (one) textbook,

It is planned to obtain two certificates of state registration of intellectual property rights for monographs and textbook.


The research team:

  1. Zhumabekova Aigul Kazkenovna – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Project Manager, Chief Scientific Officer. Hirsch Index – 1 in Scopus (; Profile: Author ID in Scopus 56713044300, Researcher ID Web of Science AAD-8962-2020, ORCID ID 0000-0003-4457-2687, Researcher ID in Publons 3384051
  2. Kurkimbayeva Aizhan Muratovna – PhD in specialty “Foreign Philology”, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Translation and Philology of Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Senior researcher. Hirsch Index – 1 in Scopus database ( Author ID in Scopus 57216884105, Orcid ID 0000-0002-2075-3427
  3. Manapbaeva Zhannura Zharkanbekovna – PhD in “Translation Studies”, Head of the Department of Languages, Assistant Professor of IITU. Scopus ID: 57283068900, ORCID: 0000-0003-4650-1727, Hirsch Index – 1, Senior researcher.

4. Shengelbaeva Nurjamal Rakhymzhanovna – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Senior researcher. Author ID in Scopus 57297926500 ORCID ID 0000-0002-2398-4220, Researcher ID Web of Science HDO-3443-2022.

  1. Aldabergenova Aiym Aldabergenovna – PhD in “Translation Studies”, Lecturer of the Department of Simultaneous Interpretation of Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Senior researcher. Researcher ID Web of Science HDM-7762-2022, Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0836-7723 Scopus Author ID 57659582300 Criticism and Semiotics. Scopus. 2021. No. 2. pp. 160-177. DOI 10.25205/2307-1737-2021-2-160-177 ISSN 2307-1737
  2. Mukhitov Arupzhan Zumratovich – MA in “Translation Studies”, teacher of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Junior Researcher. Researcher ID: HCH-7587-2022. Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0836-7723
  3. Nurbaev Serik Sakabaevich – Engineer (IT-specialist), MA in “Electronics, Telecommunications”

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