IRN BR18574162 «Inclusion-oriented training of special teachers»

Relevance of the program. The inclusion of children with disabilities in the general education caused certain difficulties associated with the insufficiently effective organization of their psychological and pedagogical support. This is due to the lack of inclusive professional competencies among special teachers who do not have the skills of professional activity in general education. Many schools face serious difficulties in educating children with disabilities and they need the help of special teachers. In connection with the specific task set in the National Project “Quality Education “Educated Nation”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 12, 2021 No. 726,  to ensure by 2025 100% “coverage of children with developmental disabilities with special psychological and pedagogical support and early correction”, there is a need to ensure of providing inclusive organizations with special teachers with formed inclusive-oriented competencies. The training of special teachers in Kazakh universities traditionally aims students at the professional activities in special kindergartens and schools, rehabilitation centers, offices of psychologicaland pedagogical support. The solution of this contradiction is possible only in the case of a serious revision of the process of training special teachers at the university with their reorientation to work in inclusive organizations.

2.2. Purpose of the program. In accordance with modern trends in the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, develop directions, content, methods, technologies and educational and methodological support for the modernized process of training special teachers at the university with their reorientation to future work in inclusive organizations.

Expected results for 2023 Achieved results for 9 months of 2023
1 Analytical material on the provision of inclusive organizations with special teachers.

Scientific article in RSCI – 1

– Analytical material of the provision of inclusive organizations with special teachers has been prepared. The official and research statistical data, summary and grouping of statistical data on the network of special and inclusive organizations of preschool and school education in the Republic of Kazakhstan were studied.

– Published 1 scientific article in the RSCI

2 Generalized results of interviewing administration and teachers in inclusive organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan The generalized results of the interviewing of administration and teachers in inclusive organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducted in order to determine the requirements of inclusive organizations for the training of special teachers in preschool and school organizations are presented.
3 Generalized results of the survey of students of the educational program “Special pedagogy” in Kazakhstan universities The generalized results of the survey of students of the educational program “Special Pedagogy” in Kazakh universities on the study of the state of their inclusively oriented readiness and assessment of the level of preparation at the university to work in inclusive education are presented.
4 Generalized results of the survey of graduates of the educational program “Special Pedagogy” – The generalized results of the survey of graduates of the OP “Special Pedagogy” working in inclusive organizations are presented. The purpose of the sociological survey was to determine by graduates the level of their own inclusive-oriented training, to identify difficulties encountered in their work and gaps in theoretical knowledge on the organization and content of the activities of a special teacher in inclusive education.

– A scientific article was published in the magazine recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

5 Generalized results of a survey of university teachers implementing the educational program “Special Pedagogy”. The generalized results of the survey of university teachers are presented. A team of researchers from KazNPU named after Abai conducted a sociological survey of university teachers who are training special teachers. The purpose of the sociological survey was to study the opinion of teachers about the need for special, inclusive-oriented training of special teachers at the university, about the current state of such training, to identify teachers’ opinions on possible ways to improve the process of training special teachers at the university to work in inclusive education.
6 Monograph “Foreign experience of training specialists to work with children with disabilities”. Copyright certificate – The monograph “Foreign experience of training specialists to work with children with disabilities” has been published.

– Received a certificate of intellectual property copyright for the collective monograph “Foreign experience in training specialists to work with children with disabilities”

7 Analytical material on determining trends in the training of special teachers in the CIS Analytical material about determining trends in the training of special teachers in the CIS is presented.
8 Scientific article in a peer – reviewed foreign magazine or magazine recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan 3 articles in the  magazines with the impact factor of the RSCI and 2 articles in the  magazines recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been published.

Articles in RSCI magazines have been published:

– Билялов Д.Н., Мовкебаева З.А., Дюсенбаева Б.А., Дузелбаева А.Б., Хамитова Д.С., Оразаева Г.С. СОСТОЯНИЕ ПОДГОТОВКИ И ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫМИ ПЕДАГОГАМИ ИНКЛЮЗИВНОГО ПРОЦЕССА В КАЗАХСТАНСКИХ ОБЩЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯХ//Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки. – 2023. – № 1. – С. 30-35; URL: (дата обращения: 21.06.2023).

– Билялов Д.Н., Мовкебаева З.А., Дюсенбаева Б.А. КОМПЕТЕНЦИИ СПЕЦИАЛЬНОГО ПЕДАГОГА В ИНКЛЮЗИВНОМ ОБРАЗОВАНИИ //Научно-практический журнал «Заметки ученого» – 2023. – №2. С. 45-55.

– Туребаева К.Ж. Рамазанова Д.Ж. Проблема готовности будущих специальных педагогов к работе в условиях инклюзивного учебного заведения //ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ «ДНЕВНИК НАУКИ», – 2023. – №4.  DOI 10.51691/2541-8327_2023_4_16

Articles in magazines recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been published:  

– Г.А. Абаева, Г.С. Оразаева, Л.Н. Лиходедова «Состояние и перспективы подготовки специальных педагогов в современных условиях»// Журнал Педагогика и психология» КазНПУ имени Абая. No1(54),2023. С.90-101.


Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-ң ХАБАРШЫСЫ «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2(78), 2023 ж.  – Б. 136–145.

A monograph has been published:

– Мовкебаева З.А., Абаева Г.А., Оразаева Г.С., и др. «Зарубежный опыт подготовки специалистов для работы с детьми с ограниченными возможностями». Монография под редакцией Д.Н. Билялова. – «ТОО «Нур-ДиАс баспасы», Алматы – 2023г. 315 с.

Certificates received:

  • Свидетельсвто об авторском праве на интеллектуальную собственность на коллективную монографию «Зарубежный опыт подготовки специалистов для работы с детьми с ограниченными возможностями» № 38985 от09.2023 г.

Structure of the research group:


Full name, education, degree, academic title (if available) Hirsch index, ResearcherID, ORCHID, Scopus Author ID identifiers (if available)
1 Bilyalov Darkhan Nurlanovich, PhD,


h – 3


2 Movkebayeva Zulfiya Ahmetvalievna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor h – 3,

Scopus Author ID – 57190754145

Web of Science Researcher ID


3 Khamitova Dana Sunkarbekovna,


h – 2,

Scopus Author ID –

Web of Science Researcher ID




4 Abaeva Galia Askerbekovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor h-1


5 Turebaeva Klara Zhamanbayeva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor h-1


6 Ramazanova Dinara Zhubanyshevna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Pedagogy and psychology

h -1 (WoS),

Researcher ID 42384338,

https://www.webofscie ation-report/b0a07547- c996-430d-a6f7-

bffbb7dadd8d- 3dd73a27

Scopus Author ID: m/authid/detail.uri?aut horId=56658769900

ORCID: 0001-8517-7072

7 Orazayeva Gulzhan Serikovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor ORCID: 0000-0002-1823-4839

8 Gulnaziya Kanagatovna Alshinbekova, candidate of biological sciences h-2

ORCIDID: 0000-0001-5143-2338

AuthorIDScopus: 57191073992

Web of Science ResearcherID

9 Likhodedova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor h-0
10 Kadyrova Ainur Askarbekovna, PhD h – 2,


11 Duzelbaeva Aitоlkyn Bolatovna, Doctor (PhD) h – 2,

ORCID – 0000-0002-6743-1644,

Scopus Author ID –

12 Dyusenbayeva Bibigul Amangeldinovna, (PhD) ORCID –


13 Akhmetova Asem Yerkinovna, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
14 Uvalieva Marzhan Zaynidinovna, Master of Pedagogical Sciences ORCID –


15 Kudaibergenova Ulbosyn Zhaksylykovna, Master of Pedagogical Sciences ORCID: 0000-0001-9697-6638
16 Syuy-fu shun Natalya Valentinovna, Master of Pedagogical Sciences ORCID: 0000-0002-2847-3235
17 Yermagambet Aliya Ykylasovna, doctoral student
18 Akhmetova Aktlek Zhaksylykovna, Accountant, Master of Economics
19 Kilybaev Talgat Berikkazievich, PhD ORCID:


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